The best methods and tips to fall asleep faster

We've all been there: you've finally made it to bed before midnight. The room is dark, the temperature is perfect, the bed is warm and cozy - and suddenly your thoughts start racing. You suddenly remember everything you have to do tomorrow, or an argument you had the day before. Suddenly falling asleep seems impossible.
If you're having trouble falling asleep, you're not alone. Millions of people suffer from insomnia or have occasional sleep problems. The good news is that there are some things that can help you sleep faster and better.
In this article, we'll look at how long it usually takes people to fall asleep and what medical reasons there might be for difficulty falling asleep. Then we'll look at why falling asleep quickly is important and give you some tips and tricks on how to do it best.
Most people feel sleepy about 10-20 minutes before they fall asleep. This is because the body slows down the production of the hormone adrenaline the closer you get to sleep.
Adrenaline is a “fight or flight” hormone that helps us stay awake and focused. When we want to sleep, the body must slowly reduce production.
For some people, this process happens quite quickly. For others, it can take longer - up to an hour or more. This difference is partly genetic, but can also be influenced by stress, anxiety and your health condition.
Various illnesses can make it difficult to fall asleep or sleep through the night. These include:
Sleep apnea: This condition causes breathing to stop repeatedly during the night. A blockage in the airways can be the cause.
Restless Legs Syndrome: Restless legs syndrome is a condition in which there is an irresistible urge to move the legs, making it impossible to remain still long enough to fall asleep.
Chronic pain: Chronic pain can cause you to be unable to sleep or to wake up frequently during the night.
Depression: Depression can also make it difficult to fall asleep and cause you to wake up frequently during the night.
If you think you may be suffering from any of these conditions, talk to a doctor to find a solution that is right for you.

Many people would prefer to flip a switch in the evening and fall asleep immediately because they have a meeting in the morning or have to catch an early flight. For other professions, such as soldiers, falling asleep quickly is essential.
The Navy Method: How Armed Forces Get to Sleep Quickly
The Navy Method is a system developed by the United States Navy Pre-Flight School to make pilots fall asleep in just two minutes. It took the pilots six weeks to learn this technique and then they managed to fall asleep even after a coffee and with gunshot sounds in the background.
The method is simple and works on the fact that you fall asleep best when you don't think about it.
This method consists of several simple steps:
- First, relax your face, including the muscles around your mouth.
- Next, drop your shoulders and let your hands fall to your sides.
- Relax your chest as you exhale.
- Relax your legs, thighs and calves.
- Think of a calming situation for ten seconds.
- If you are not asleep yet, repeat the words “don’t think” for another 10 seconds
This method can be adapted to any situation in which you need to fall asleep quickly. It is particularly effective because it helps clear your mind and relax your body.
Counting sheep: The classic way to fall asleep faster
This classic method for falling asleep involves counting sheep (or other objects) jumping over a fence. The idea is that the monotony of the task will bore you into sleep.
While there is no scientific evidence that counting sheep works, it's worth a try. Alternatively, you can choose another boring task that will quickly distract you.
Progressive muscle relaxation

During progressive muscle relaxation, different muscle groups in your body are first tensed and then relaxed. The initial tensing intensifies the relaxation and interrupts the carousel of thoughts.
This is how progressive muscle relaxation works:
- Start by tensing the muscles in your toes for 5 seconds.
- Release the tension and concentrate on the feeling of relaxation
- Tighten your calf muscles, then your thighs, your stomach, your arms, your neck and finally your face.
This method requires some practice, but it can effectively help you fall asleep quickly.
Breathing exercises
Several different breathing exercises can help you fall asleep quickly. The 4-7-8 breathing exercise is particularly effective.
To perform this exercise:
- Begin by exhaling completely through your mouth.
- Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose until the fourth time
- Hold your breath for seven seconds
- Breathe out through your mouth and count to eight
- Repeat this cycle three or four times
Deep breathing exercises like these help you relax your mind and body so you can fall asleep more easily.
This method involves imagining a peaceful environment in your mind. By focusing on a peaceful image, you help your body to relax and clear your mind.
To visualize, first close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then imagine a scene that makes you happy and relaxed. This could be a beach, a forest, or another place where you feel comfortable. Focus on the details of the scene, such as the sounds, smells, and colors.
Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing technique that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body. Many believe that acupressure helps reduce stress, promotes relaxation, and speeds up falling asleep.
There are several acupressure points that can help you sleep. One of the most effective is the so-called "Spirit Gate" point, which is located on the inside of the wrist below the little finger, three finger widths from the crease. Massage this point gently with your thumb for one minute.
Another effective point is between the thumb and index finger. Massage this point with the thumb of the other hand for a few seconds, applying gentle pressure.
We hope these techniques will calm your mind and help you fall asleep faster.

There are a lot of things you can do to help you fall asleep faster at night. Some people find that simply changing their nighttime routine makes a big difference. Others need to try a few things before they find something that helps them.
Here are some of the most effective tips for falling asleep:
1. Regular sleep rhythm
Going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time each day can help regulate your body's natural sleep rhythm, making it easier for you to fall asleep and wake up feeling rested.
To establish a regular sleep rhythm, we recommend the following:
- Choose a bedtime that you can stick to most nights of the week
- Set the alarm at the same time every morning, even on weekends
- Avoid naps during the day
However, you shouldn't let your schedule get the better of you. A few minutes here or there doesn't matter. Otherwise, it could make it even more difficult for you to fall asleep.
2. Evening routine
One of the best ways to fall asleep quickly is to have a solid nighttime routine. This routine signals your body when it's time to wind down.
You should include activities in your routine that you personally find relaxing. This could be a good book, a hot bath or stretching exercises. It is important that you do the same thing (or something similar) every night so that your body gradually associates these activities with going to bed.
Simple relaxation techniques help many people greatly to fall asleep faster.
3. Less caffeine per day
Caffeine is a stimulant that keeps you awake and increases your alertness. If you consume caffeine late in the day, you may have difficulty falling asleep at night.
It is best to avoid caffeine at least six hours before bedtime to help you fall asleep. This gives your body enough time to metabolize the caffeine and prevents it from affecting your sleep.
There are also many other health benefits to reducing caffeine, such as reduced nervousness and lower blood pressure, so there's nothing to lose!
4. No alcohol before bedtime
Although alcohol makes you sleepy, it disrupts sleep later in the night. This is because alcohol prevents you from entering deep sleep, which is important so that your body can carry out all the necessary repair and recovery processes.
If you still don't want to give up alcohol, it's better to drink a glass of wine at lunchtime or in the early evening. This gives your body enough time to metabolize the alcohol.
5. Avoid blue light before going to bed
Electronic devices such as phones, laptops and tablets emit blue light, which inhibits melatonin production and makes it difficult to fall asleep. If you're sitting on your phone and can't fall asleep and then google "how do I fall asleep faster", you're not doing much good.
To avoid this, limit your screen time in the hours before bedtime. If you can't avoid it, wear blue light glasses or turn on your device's blue light filter.

6. Soak up sunlight during the day
Sunlight helps keep your circadian rhythm on track, which can make it easier to fall asleep at night. So spending time in the sun during the day can make it easier to fall asleep in the evening.
Make sure you get some sunlight during the day. Otherwise, you can use a white or daylight lamp for 30 minutes a day to boost your energy levels. Such a device can be particularly helpful in winter when hours of sunshine are rare.
7. Cool, dark bedroom
Your body temperature is lower when you sleep, so a cool environment is a good way to fall asleep quickly. The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 15 and 19ºC (60-67 degrees Fahrenheit). To keep your bedroom cool, sleep with the window open or air the room well before going to bed.
Your bedroom should also be as dark as possible. Blackout curtains or an eye mask could be a helpful purchase.
8. Comfortable bedding
Comfortable bedding is one of the best ways to fall asleep quickly and sleep through the night. Make sure your mattress fits your body type and your pillows are comfortable. If you often wake up in pain, consider investing in a high-quality memory foam mattress or pillows.
9. Relaxation techniques
There are many different relaxation techniques you can use to fall asleep quickly. You have already learned some of these sleep tips earlier in this article.
If we had to choose one, progressive muscle relaxation would probably be the best method. Try this method first, and only use the others if you get stuck with progressive muscle relaxation.
10. Avoid naps during the day
While napping may be tempting, it can make it difficult to fall asleep at night. That's because napping during the day can disrupt your natural sleep cycle. If you've tried all of the other tips and still aren't falling asleep faster, this could be the deciding factor.
If you still can't do without a nap, try taking it early in the day and limiting it to 30 minutes or less to ensure your sleep isn't disturbed at night.

If you don't have problems falling asleep, but have trouble waking up in the morning, you'll find the solution in this section. Waking up tired and listless in the morning can affect your performance throughout the day just as much as not getting enough sleep.
If this is the case for you, B・SYNC ON could be your solution.
B・SYNC ON is a dietary supplement designed to support and improve the waking process. It contains four natural ingredients: vitamin B5, vitamin B12, zinc and caffeine. These are sealed in a delayed-release capsule that releases the nutrients approximately seven hours after you take the tablet. If you take the capsule right before bed, you will wake up gradually and easily after a full night's sleep and reap the benefits throughout the day.
If you're having trouble falling asleep, there are a number of things you can do to help. Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, limit your time in front of flickering screens, and enjoy sunlight during the day. Also, make sure your bedroom is cool and dark and you have comfortable bedding. If you're still having trouble falling asleep, try relaxation techniques.
What is the best tip to fall asleep quickly?
The Navy method is a good way to fall asleep quickly. It involves relaxing your whole body, starting with your facial muscles and ending with your feet. Alternatively, you can try progressive muscle relaxation, where you tense and then relax different muscle groups one after the other.
What other ways are there to fall asleep quickly?
There are many ways to fall asleep faster. Some people find that reading or taking a bath before bed helps them relax and fall asleep quickly. Others find that relaxing music helps them sleep. Experiment with different methods and find what works best for you.
What can I do if I can't fall asleep?
If you just can't get to sleep, first of all try to stay calm. Frustration and anger are counterproductive and only make it more difficult to get to sleep. Instead, try to relax and clear your head. If the problems become more frequent, contact a medical professional. A doctor can help you to clarify the causes of the sleep problems and find an appropriate solution.